An easy to use app to get the rising and setting times and directions of the sun and moon at your location or anywhere in the world. Now with compass showing you the rise and set directions!
Quickly find out:
- Rise time and set time of the sun and moon in your local time.
- Time, elevation, and direction of the sun at solar noon.
- Rise and set directions of the sun and moon at your location.
- Moon phase and lit percentage.
- Calendar view showing specific event in an entire month.
Use the GPS to get your current location, select from a list of cities, or manually specify the coordinate.
Best used for: hiking, landscape photography, stargazing (to avoid the moon)
A short quick start guide is provided in-app and can be accessed near the bottom of the Settings page. Let us know if you run into any issue using this app. Enjoy!
Permissions required:
- Location: the app optionally gets your current location to calculate the correct sun and moon data.
- Network: a non-obstructive ad is displayed near the top to support on-going development of new features.
Sebuah mudah untuk menggunakan aplikasi untuk mendapatkan waktu terbit dan terbenam dan arah dari matahari dan bulan di lokasi Anda atau di mana saja di dunia. Sekarang dengan kompas menunjukkan Anda naik dan mengatur arah!
Cepat menemukan:
- Rise waktu dan mengatur waktu dari matahari dan bulan dalam waktu lokal Anda.
- Waktu, elevasi, dan arah matahari di siang hari matahari.
- Kebangkitan dan arah set matahari dan bulan di lokasi Anda.
- Bulan fase dan persentase menyala.
- View Kalender menunjukkan peristiwa tertentu dalam sebulan.
Gunakan GPS untuk mendapatkan lokasi Anda saat ini, pilih dari daftar kota-kota, atau manual menentukan koordinat.
Terbaik digunakan untuk: hiking, fotografi lanskap, astronomi (untuk menghindari bulan)
Sebuah panduan cepat singkat disediakan dalam aplikasi dan dapat diakses di dekat bagian bawah halaman Pengaturan. Marilah kita tahu jika Anda mengalami masalah apapun dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini. Nikmati!
Izin diperlukan:
- Lokasi: app opsional mendapatkan lokasi Anda saat ini untuk menghitung matahari dan bulan data yang benar.
- Jaringan: iklan non-obstruktif ditampilkan di dekat bagian atas untuk mendukung on-akan pengembangan fitur baru.
An easy to use app to get the rising and setting times and directions of the sun and moon at your location or anywhere in the world. Now with compass showing you the rise and set directions!
Quickly find out:
- Rise time and set time of the sun and moon in your local time.
- Time, elevation, and direction of the sun at solar noon.
- Rise and set directions of the sun and moon at your location.
- Moon phase and lit percentage.
- Calendar view showing specific event in an entire month.
Use the GPS to get your current location, select from a list of cities, or manually specify the coordinate.
Best used for: hiking, landscape photography, stargazing (to avoid the moon)
A short quick start guide is provided in-app and can be accessed near the bottom of the Settings page. Let us know if you run into any issue using this app. Enjoy!
Permissions required:
- Location: the app optionally gets your current location to calculate the correct sun and moon data.
- Network: a non-obstructive ad is displayed near the top to support on-going development of new features.